160 Asylum Seekers To Be Accommodated In Racket Hall In Roscrea


The Department of Integration today informed local elected public representatives that Racket Hall in Roscrea is to be used to provide temporary shelter to 160 International Protection applicants.

It is understood that family groups will be accommodated over 40 rooms in the facility.

The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth will manage the arrival of people into the centre which may begin tomorrow.

The contract with this centre has been signed for a period of one year. The Roscrea facility is owned and operated by Swiftcastle Roscrea limited.

The Department says all relevant state support services in the area have been informed of and are preparing what additional supports will be needed to assist these people settle in to the local community.

This includes the departments of Health, Education, Justice, HSE, An Garda Síochana, the Local Government Management Agency, the local integration teams and the local development office.

The Department is highlighting that Ireland is legally required under EU law to provide accommodation for people seeking international protection here.

Since January 1st 2023 12,802 international protection applicants have arrived in Ireland in addition to 75,026 refugees from Ukraine.