Cashel Red Cross Are To Acquire Ambulance Van


Two Tipperary organisations are to receive a total of €144,600 under the CLÁR programme for the purchase of new vehicles.

The South East Mountain Rescue Association (SEMRA) has been allocated €89,600 to purchase a new rescue vehicle and Cashel Red Cross will use €55,000 to acquire a van based ambulance.

The scheme provides funding for essential transport services for cancer patients and people with mobility issues, to support community groups that transport blood samples or medication and to resource Mountain Rescue Teams, Air Ambulances and Sub-Aqua Groups. Overall a total of €1.6 million euros is approved today by the Minister for Rural and Community Development, Heather Humphreys. The funding covers the purchase of 32 new vehicles in rural communities. The funding announcement has been welcomed by Senator Garret Ahearn.