Survey Indicates There’s Unfilled Roles In Over Half Of Secondary Schools


A RED C/ ASTI survey indicates that there are unfilled vacancies in more than half of all second-level schools. Principals who participated in the survey say the declining attractiveness of teaching is the main reason for this.  Eighty-four per cent of principals surveyed have experienced situations during this school year where no teacher applied for an advertised post; 55 per cent of principals state that they currently have unfilled vacancies. The survey was undertaken in March 2022.

Principals identify a number of factors which they believe are impacting on teacher shortages. Chief amongst these are inadequate numbers of teachers graduating in certain subjects, the high cost of the two-year Professional Master of Education (PME) and the decline in the attractiveness of teaching. The ASTI intends to campaign for an end unequal pay scales for teachers who entered the profession after 2010. This includes using part of the 1% salary increase for second-level teachers available under a sectoral bargaining scheme to restore the Professional Master of Education allowance which was abolished for new entrants to teaching in 2012.   More than 2,500 second-level teachers took part in the RED C/ ASTI research Supporting Teachers, Supporting Schools.