Co. Tipp Chamber Encourages Haulage Sector To Avail Of Government Support


County Tipperary Chamber is encouraging businesses in the Haulage sector to avail of a special government support scheme as the closing date for applications draws near.

The Licensed Haulage Emergency Support Scheme  is designed to assist the licensed haulage sector with the recent escalation in fuel costs.

The Scheme will provide support of €100 per week for eight weeks for each eligible heavy goods vehicle (‘HGV’) authorised on the licence of a road haulage operator as of 11 March 2022.

The Scheme is being administered by the Department of Transport.

Application forms have been provided directly to all licensed hauliers by email using the email address held on file by the Road Transport Operator Licensing Unit in Loughrea.

Closing date for receipt of completed applications is close of business 20 April 2022.To be eligible for the Scheme, a Qualifying Applicant must meet all the criteria requirements. To see the complete list of criteria, please visit: – Licensed Haulage Emergency Support Scheme (