Michael Lowry Says An Taisce’s Supreme Court Plans Against Cheese Plant “An Abuse Of Power”


Deputy Michael Lowry says plans by An Taisce to take their case to the Supreme Court to prevent the granting of Planning Permission for the €140 million Glanbia and Royal A-ware cheese manufacturing plant on the Kilkenny/Waterford border is a misuse of their authority and an abuse of power.

‘I object strenuously to what An Taisce is doing’ he says. It has emerged on Monday that An Taisce’s Bord of Trustees have unanimously agreed to seek Leave to Appeal to the Supreme Court stating that this decision was taken based on ‘considered analysis of the legal aspects of the case and is rooted inthe principles and values central to the mission role of An Taisce to protect and advocate for ecological resilience and the future viability of the natural environment’

Dep Lowry said: “I raised the serious matter of An Taisce’s appeal to the High Court decision to grant Planning Permission in the Dail in recent months. Their original objection to Planning Permission for this project has already resulted in a two-year delay, pushing this project out to 2024. Their planned Appeal to the Supreme Court will delay the project indefinitely’ says the Deputy.

​‘This would be bad for farmers, bad for rural communities and would hurt

Ireland’s reputation internationally as a location for much-needed foreign direct investment’ he concludes.