Tipperary Cahir Cashel Municipal District have released details of their 2022 funding allocations under three schemes.
48 local festivals and eight events planned for 2022 will share funding of €80,900.
Most of the grants are at community level and range from €500 to €2,000.
However, six events have secured funding at municipal level receiving amounts ranging from €2,000 to €14,000.
26 Tidy Towns groups, residents associations and community councils will share a total of €41,400, with individual grants ranging from €600 to €5,000.
Among these are Tipperary Town Tidy Towns who received €4,500 of funding while Cahir Tidy Towns and Cashel Tidy Towns got €5,000 each.
50 burial ground committees across the Tipperary Cahir Cashel district were allocated grants ranging from €665 to €1,822, with the overall sum for burial ground committees standing at €40,967.
Local burial grounds to receive grants include St. John’s Famine Graveyard and St. Mary’s Church of Ireland cemetery in Tipperary Town, both receiving €665 each, Tubrid Burial Ground in Cahir (€735) and Cashel Cathedral Burial Ground getting €887.
Tipperary Chamber of Commerce received a total of €5,500 for various different events, the Forge Players were awarded €1,000 for their annual drama and Cashel Arts Festival got €14,000 of Municipal funding.
Light Up the Plan (€1,000) and the Cahir Social and Historical society (€1,200) were some of the other local organisations to receive funding.