Tipperary Cahir Cashel MD Release Details of 2022 Funding Allocations


Tipperary Cahir Cashel Municipal District have released details of their 2022 funding allocations under three schemes.

48 local festivals and eight events planned for 2022 will share funding of €80,900.

Most of the grants are at community level and range from €500 to €2,000.

However, six events have secured funding at municipal level receiving amounts ranging from €2,000 to €14,000.

26 Tidy Towns groups, residents associations and community councils will share a total of €41,400, with individual grants ranging from €600 to €5,000.

Among these are Tipperary Town Tidy Towns who received €4,500 of funding while Cahir Tidy Towns and Cashel Tidy Towns got €5,000 each.

50 burial ground committees across the Tipperary Cahir Cashel district were allocated grants ranging from €665 to €1,822, with the overall sum for burial ground committees standing at €40,967.

Local burial grounds to receive grants include St. John’s Famine Graveyard and St. Mary’s Church of Ireland cemetery in Tipperary Town, both receiving €665 each, Tubrid Burial Ground in Cahir (€735) and Cashel Cathedral Burial Ground getting €887.

Tipperary Chamber of Commerce received a total of €5,500 for various different events, the Forge Players were awarded €1,000 for their annual drama and Cashel Arts Festival got €14,000 of Municipal funding.

Light Up the Plan (€1,000) and the Cahir Social and Historical society (€1,200) were some of the other local organisations to receive funding.