Tipp Town Residents “At Breaking Point” Over Noisy Manhole Covers


Residents of the Davitt Street / Limerick Road area of Tipperary Town are said to be “at breaking point” over the failure to resolve unfinished roadworks.

Concerned residents of the area have been forced to go public after repeated pleas to get loose utility covers fixed have gone unaddressed. The residents say that “since the roadworks on this stretch of the N24 ended, [we] have been unable to get any peace from the constant rattling and banging of a number of utility covers each time traffic passes over them”.

“It’s estimated that over 7,000 individual traffic movements occur on this stretch of road, day and night, and each time a vehicle passes over, it causes a huge amount of noise, and the frequency of this has become unbearable”.

The residents have issued a call, via Cllr. Tony Black, for the Council and their contractors to bring in expertise that can resolve the issues around the noisy utility covers.