Closure of Aherlow House Hotel.

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Anyone who has outstanding bookings at Aherlow House Hotel is being asked to contact the offices of Grant Thornton in Limerick.
The hotel closed down earlier this week with the loss of 25 jobs.
According to Auburn Hotels Aherlow Ltd, negotiations between them and the receivers broke down recently after it became clear the receivers wanted to place the hotel on the open market.
In the course of negotiations, Auburn Hotels Aherlow Ltd had hoped to continue running the hotel and had therefore continued to take bookings.
However, now that the hotel has closed, the details of all bookings for weddings and functions have been passed on to the Limerick offices of Grant Thornton.
Anyone with queries is asked to contact (061) 312 744.
One couple’s wedding booking has been relocated to Kilcoran Lodge Hotel, while a similar arrangement has also been agreed upon with Clonmel Park Hotel.
25 people were informed earlier this week that their jobs were to go immediately upon the closure of the hotel.