Tipperary GAA County Board na nÓg Present Cheques Worth €1,100 Each To 2 Local Organisations


Two local organisations have been presented with cheques for €1,100 each from the Tipperary GAA County Board na nÓg. Board Chairperson Tommy Landers presented the funds to the Tipperary Town Meals on Wheels service  based in the Community Centre on St Michaels street Tipperary and  to the Three Drives Family resource Centre based in Greenane Drive, Tipperary town.

The money came from fines paid to the county board during the playing season for various offences. The funds collected are divided around the 4 divisions in the county.  Thomas Martin Chairperson of West Tipperary Board na nÓg nominated two organisations in recognition of the work they are doing serving the public across West Tipperary.