Cashel Town Hostel To Accommodate 74 Refugees


A hostel in John Street Cashel is to be used to provide accommodation for 74 refugees starting on November 7th

Public Representatives in the county were informed last night by the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth of the imminent arrival of 74 refugees to the town centre location.

The Department has signed a 12-month contract with Cashel Town Hostel for 74 beds for people seeking refuge in Ireland who are International Protection Applicants in Cashel Town Hostel.

This indicates that those arriving are not Ukrainian Refugees as such persons are supported under the EU Temporary Protection Directive.

Cllr Declan Burgess, based in Cashel says he is seriously concerned by the development while accepting that Ireland should support refugees.

The Fine Gael Councillor says the site has been the main accommodation for any and all homeless citizens in the South Tipperary area. 

The new use for the hostel will leave Tipperary County Council with no alternative homeless accommodation in the short term.

Cllr Burgess is accusing the Department of failing to engage with the County Council in a constructive way.

In response to news of the imminent arrival of 74 refugees next week the Councillor says he is requesting an urgent meeting for all elected representatives involving Minister Roderick O’Gorman and the Executive of Tipperary County Council.

Cllr Burgess concludes by saying the decision to provide refugee accommodation in the property contradicts efforts in the county Tipperary to support people that are homeless.