Tipp Business Owners Urged To Apply For Increased Cost of Business Grant

L-R Cllr John Crosse Minister Peter Burke , Sean Kelly MEP

Business owners in the county are being encouraged to apply for the Increased Cost of Business Grant.

The application process takes 2 minutes according to Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment, Peter Burke who says that the scheme so far has a take up rate of approximately  50% despite tomorrow’s closing date.

Speaking to Tipp Mid West Radio in Tipperary last night Minister Burke says cashflow is the lifeblood of business and promised a further package of support measures for the Small and Medium Enterprise Sector next month.

The Increased Cost of Business was announced in last year’s business as a measure to support businesses facing increasing operating costs due to changes particularly in the areas of minimum wage, statutory sick pay and auto enrolment in pension schemes.

The ICOB Scheme will give rate paying businesses a grant of 50% of their rates bill for those with a rates bill of up to €10,000, a lump sum grant is payable to rates payers with a rates bill of between €10,000 and €30,000.

Those with a rates bill higher than €30,000 are not eligible.  Full details are available  on the Tipperary County Council website at this link here.