Rosegreen Night-Time Water Restrictions Lifted


Night-time water restrictions that have been in place in Rosegreen and surrounding areas, due to high demand combined with low rainfall levels, have been lifted.

Uisce Éireann and Tipperary County Council wish to thank the people of Rosegreen for their patience and continued efforts to conserve water especially during the current drought conditions. 

The restrictions in Rosegreen were necessary to give the reservoirs time to replenish and allowed the company to maintain water supply to homes and businesses during daytime hours according to Uisce Eireann.

The company  is advising that water levels will be monitored and further restriction will be imposed “if we get another good spell of weather and low rainfall again.”

The company is asking people across county Tipperary to continue to play their part by conserving water where possible this summer.

Members of the public can report any leaks in the public water network by contacting Uisce Éireann 24/7 at 1800 278 278 or on 

There are a number of easy steps people can take to reduce their water usage during the hot weather, including: 

·         Avoid power washing and keep the garden hose in the shed

·         Check for leaks on outdoor taps or troughs as these can lead to large losses of treated water

·    Paddling pools and swimming pools can use huge volumes of water – the public is asked to minimise the amount of water used and consider reusing the water for the garden or cleaning the car.

Report any visible leaks on the public network to Uisce Éireann at