Ballylanders Prayer Group and “Mir Ministries” Invite you to a Family Tree Healing Mass at our Lady of the Assumption Church Ballylanders Co. Limerick. On Wednesday 19th of April at 8pm All are welcome for further information contact Margaret on 087 909 1348
FIND YOUR DREAM CAREER? Meet Businesses from different fields Apprenticeship Advice course options from different providers Career Guidance. April 21st 2pm to 7pm at The Dome, Semple Stadium, Thurles. Email [email protected] to register your attendance.
The Feast of the Divine Mercy will be celebrated in the Garden of the Divine Mercy in Kilcommon at 3pm Sunday 16th April.
Support Older People in and around Nenagh. Information Coffee Morning come and learn about service that support the older people. Tuesday 18th April Tyone Community Centre 11am – 12.30pm to book your place contact reception on 067 31800
A Coffee day in Aid of Irish Cancer Society – Friday 14th April at 7am and continues until last person leaves regardless of time. Venue is Michael O’Donoghue’s home in Dromlara, near Pallasgreen Eircode V94 APKO. A tree will be planted at the venue on the day for those affected by cancer.
Rambling House Caherconlish Mileninum Centre. Wednesday 19th April at 8.30pm. Refreshments served on the night. Please come support All singers and musicians welcome.
Divine Mercy – Sunday 16th April Celebration commences at 2.30pm, In the Cathedral, Thurles. Rosary, Chaplet and blessing of the image of the Divine Mercy. Confessions available. Mass commence at 4pm All are welcome.
Fundraiser Night – In Aid of Mathew Wormald. Mackeys Pub Bohernanave Thurles 15th April at 8pm
Eucharistic Adoration Pilgrimage to Knock are running a bus on Sunday 23rd April 2023. Bus will be leaving Cashel at 7am, Golden at 7.15am. Tipp Town at Marion Hall at 7.40am, Monard at 7.40am, Oola at 7.45am, Pallasgreen at 7.50am and Boher at 8.00am. Contact Margaret Carrie 087-0568216 or Mary Jo Fahy 0862112019.
Circle of Friends Tipperary Town are asking people to support and come along to their Big Breakfast on April 14th between 11am to 1pm.
Tipperary FUSS – A group of families with children with disabilities is to hold a weekly coffee morning every Tuesday at 10.30am to help parents to avail of peer support and seek supports for their children including access to health, education, transport, retail and social activities. The venue is O’Donnell’s Daybreak Service Station, Mitchelstown Road, Carrigeen Cahir. for further info see our facebook page on Tipperary FUSS.
Table Quiz in Aid of Critical Emergency Response will be held in Barrons in New Inn Friday April 14th at 9pm. For further details contact 087 410 1952
BIG SPLASH SMALL FISH – A new two act comedy by Jim Keane – Bru Boru, Cashel Friday 14th and Saturday 15th April at 8pm. Booking 062 61122 or
Tractor Run – Sunday May 7th starting from E21 PY18 at 1pm. In Aid of Hospice suite St. Theresa’s Hospital, Clogheen. All vehicles must be insured – Tractors, Cars, Bikes welcome.
Jog Your Memory Programme in Hospital FRC – 4 week Occupational Therapy group programme starting 6th,13th.20th &27th April from 10am to 12.30pm. Family Resource Centre, Hospital, Co. Limerick. contact Amy or Eimear (Occupational Therapists on 061 383031 extention 4 (Hospital health centre)
Family Cookery. Hospital FRC in partnership with, LCETB & Ballyhoura Development CLG are delivering a Family cookery programme at Youth Reach Hospital starting Monday 17th April at 6pm. The programme if for families with children of primary school age. Ingredient kit and recipe will be provided to families each week. contact Martha 087 2813341.
Hospital FRC Family Yoga Programme 6 week Family Yoga Class starting Thursday 18th April 5.45pm to 6.45pm. Hospital Family Resource Centre. This programme is tailored for families with children of primary school age. Martha at Hospital Family Resource Centre at 087 281 3341.
Canon Hayes Recreation Centre. Women interested in some social soccer are invited to register for a 6 week programme. No previous experience is necessary and all abilities are welcome. Starts Tuesday 7th March from 7pm – 8pm in Canon Hayes centre
Tipperary Active Retirement Bookings for The Play in Cashel will be held in the Community Centre Tipperary Town Centre on wednesday 5th April from 11am to 12noon. Committee Meeting will be on Tuesday 4th April members meeting will be held on Friday 14th April at 2.30pm Blind Street entrance, All members attend and new members welcome.
South Tipperary Involvement Centre, Clonmel. – The Centre is run by people with a lived experience of Mental Health issues. Social activities are organised in the centre weekly. The group operated from Place4U, 25 Upper Gladstone Street Clonmel and open every Tuesday to Friday from 11am to 1pm. You are invited to join the group for a cuppa, a chat and check out the weekly activities. Please phone 083 313 0584 or email: [email protected]
Knockenrawley open every Wednesday – Everyone is invited to come down for a chat and a cup of tea with Theresa and Mike. Bring a friend if you’d like.
Bingo Notices: Monday – Hospital Co. Limerick (Community Hall) at 8pm. Tuesday – Cahir (Community Hall) at 8pm and Oola (Community Hall) at 8pm. Thursday – Golden in the (GAA Hall) at 8pm and Cappamore at 8pm. Friday -Cappawhite (Community Hall) at 8pm. Saturday – Cashel (Halla Na feile) at 8pm. Sunday – Tipperary Town (Marion Hall) at 8pm.
Cards in Oola every Thursday night at 8pm.
Citizens Information – Tipperary Town – Opening hours Monday 10am-1pm & 2pm -3pm. Tue,Wed,Thu & Fri 10am-1pm and 2pm-4pm. Phone 0818 07 6540 or email [email protected] NATIONAL NUMBER 0818 07 400 Mon – Fri 9am-8pm.