Tipp Town Seeking To Hire Creative Places Co-Ordinator


Tipperary Town is seeking to hire a co-ordinator for the Creative Places programme.

The role will involve supporting and developing artists and creative practitioners to collaborate with those who live and work in the town to explore identity, bring vibrancy to the place and high quality arts opportunities to the people. 

The person will be located in the Excel Centre in Tipperary town and will work closely with all sectors of the Community to develop creativity and arts activities in the town.

The application process is now open and closes on September 2nd at 4pm.

Full details can be found on the activelink.ie website or local social media.

The programme is led by Youth Work Ireland Tipperary; Creative Places Tipperary and is funded by the Arts Council for a three year period.


To explore and build a sense of place, belonging and cultural identity in Tipperary Town

To create opportunities for self-expression and confidence building

To create opportunities for people to learn and recognise their potential as learners

To create the conditions where socially engaged arts practice can flourish and evolve

To identify, support and build upon existing creative activity in the Town

To make the built environment of Tipperary Town brighter and more vibrant

To increase understanding of how being creative can help us all live well

To celebrate the history and heritage of Tipperary Town whilst also embracing the new

To grow and diversify audiences for the arts and arts venues

To build upon existing and develop new meaningful cross-sectoral strategic partnerships  that bring together cultural and community sectors

To leave behind a legacy through visible change and workforce, artist and community development