Tipperary Green Business Network To Hold A Walk To Celebrate Biodiversity Week 2024


As part of Biodiversity Week 2024, the Tipperary Green Business Network is to hold a walk on the Apple Farm near Cahir on Saturday 18th May from 2.30pm – 5.00pm.  

The host, Con Traas, will lead the walk and will showcase sustainable practices on the farm.  Alan Moore of Hedgerows Ireland will also speak at the event discussing hedgerows and their importance to biodiversity.

The Traas family moved from The Netherlands to Ireland in the late 1960’s to grow fruit as it was difficult to find land to expand their fruit growing business. The 40 acre farm produces over 60 varieties of apples, varieties of strawberries, raspberry, blackcurrant, cherry, plums and pears. The farm also includes a bottling plant for fruit juices and serves food producers in other parts of the country. The organisers of the free event say booking is essential – places can be booked on Eventbrite or by emailing the Tipperary Green Business Network at [email protected] .

Separately to mark Biodiversity Week 2024 an appeal has also been made for a Councillor in the Tipperary Cashel MD to table a motion that will commit to the cessation of Council staff using all chemical sprays with immediate effect. The call comes from a member of the Tipperary town community who circulated a selection of councillors, Tipperary Tidy Towns and some candidates with her request adding that “if we as a community are serious about biodiversity we need to use natural solutions.”  To date only Tipperary Tidy Towns Group and Cllr Anne Marie Ryan  have responded to the community member’s request.