Leaving Cert Exam Results To Be Released On Sept 2nd


The State Examinations Commission has confirmed that results from this year’s Leaving Certificate Examinations will be released on Friday September 2dnd. Leaving Certificate Applied results will also be issued on September 2nd.  Colleges had expressed concerns about the impact the delay will cause for college offers based on the results. The process has been complicated this year as the Department had requested that a second sitting of the Leaving Certificate be made available for students that may be ill or suffer close bereavement during the exams. The Department has also made a commitment that all grades will be adjusted to  ensure that the class of 2022 is not disadvantaged compared to students in 2020 and 2021 who received  accredited grades. Approximately 131,000 students completed the exams in 2022 an increase of 6% compared to 2019.