Tipp TD Accuses Government TDs of Selfishly Voting For Carbon Tax


The Government has defeated two opposition motions last night that called for a change in their policy.

The Sinn Fein motion had sought approval to scrap plans to restrict the sale of turf, cancel the carbon tax increase on 1 May and to temporarily remove excise duty on home heating oil.

The Rural Independent group’s motion to remove carbon tax was also defeated.

The Taoiseach has confirmed that there will be no ban on turf sales for the remainder of the year. The Department of the Environment is working on draft regulations for a clean air strategy, including a nationwide ban on smoky coal.

The regulations will also include a ban in September on the sale of commercial turf.

The regulations were announced last September on World Clean Air Day and are due to come into effect next September.

The regulations include banning smoky coal, the sale of turf and limits on the use of wet timber in a bid to reduce particulate matter released as it is used to improve air quality.

There will now be further discussions on the issue and draft regulations may  be referred to the European Commission.

There is currently a public consultation on Clean Air underway – this closes on May 3rd. Full details can be found  here 

Tipperary TD Mattie McGrath is accusing Government TDs of selfishly voting for the increase in the carbon tax to hold onto power and perks.

A Dail Motion from the Rural Independent TDs that would ‘Axe the carbon Tax’ and put €520 back into households’ pockets this year (€1,120 for a family farm), was voted down in the Dail last night, as Fianna Fail, Fine Gael, and the Green and Social Democrat TDs voted to keep and increase the carbon tax (from next Sunday).

Deputy Mc Grath claims axing the Tax would save households almost €8,000 from now to 2030, yet FF, FG, the Green, and Soc Dem TDs all voted to keep the tax in place despite its severe impact.

He accused the government of using the tax to raise revenue rather than lowering greenhouse gas emissions. The Leader of the Rural independents also said the Government TDs behaviour was deeply disingenuous as they speak of ‘needing to do something’ to tackle the cost-of-living crisis, while voting for the increase.