CAB Funds Seized To Be Used For Community Projects


Community groups are being encouraged to apply for funding for safety projects under new scheme launched by the Department of Justice.

The fund is using money seized during investigations of criminal activity.

The fund will have 2 million euros to distribute this year and will be known as the Community Safety Innovation Fund.

Possible projects include those that tackle crime or reduce the fear of crime; improve community safety and feelings of safety, support the creation of safe and resilient communities or actions aimed at reducing reoffending.

The new fund could help communities improve public spaces or fund local sporting or arts facilities.

The call for applications for the Fund runs from 6 April until 8 June 2022 and grants will range from €20,000 to €150,000.

Full details can be found on the Department of Justice website at here.

Completed Application Forms are to be returned by 5pm on 8 June 2022 to [email protected]

Since its establishment the Criminal Assets Bureau has denied and deprived criminals in excess of approximately €199 million.