Obesity in Ireland Is At Epidemic Levels


Health officials have welcomed the extension of funding for the Sláintecare Integration Fund project – Childhood Obesity Training in Primary Care into 2022.

One in four children in Ireland is living with overweight or obesity and 1.8% of children have severe obesity.

Children living with obesity have a higher risk of adult disease such as stroke, cardiovascular disease and about 11 different cancers.

They also are at risk of other childhood health complications and illnesses.

Disadvantaged children have double the risk of developing obesity.

At present, most health professionals do not receive any specific training on childhood obesity.

The project aims to equip health professionals with knowledge, skills and confidence to help and support children who have obesity around the country.

The project is a collaboration Temple Street Hospital and the Association for the Study of Obesity on the island of Ireland.

The training aims to improve access to care for children and adolescents with obesity to give better patient experience including less stigmatising attitudes from health professionals.