Tipperary Council have given notice of its intention to carry out major roadworks with respect to the N24-N74 Tipperary Town Road Improvement Scheme. The proposed works extend from the N24-R515 Junction at the intersection of Church Street, O’Brien Street and Main Street, to approximately 1km along the N74 on the Cashel Road, incorporating Fr. Matthew Street in Tipperary Town
The nature and extend of the proposed development is as follows:
- Upgraded road layout with reduced carriageway width (approx. 6.5m along N24 Main St/Bank Place & 6.0m along Fr. Matthew St/Cashel Road
- Widened foot-ways with new paving along N24 Main St/Bank Place
- widened foot-ways with new paving along N74 Fr. Matthew St/Cashel Road including new foot-ways between James Connolly Park & St. Michael’s Avenue (West), and between St. Michael’s Avenue (East) & St. Michael’s Cemetery car park
- Upgraded car park at St. Michael’s Cemetery with new pavement, defined spaces & improved pedestrian and vehicle access from N74 Cashel Rd.
- New road pavement
- Upgraded public lighting along N74 Fr. Matthew St/Cashel Road
- Localised drainage upgrades
- Enhanced soft & hard landscaping, including provision of upgraded street furniture
- New town gateway signage at existing 60kph speed limit on N74 Cashel Road
The full plan details will be available for inspection on: www.tipperarycoco.ie from Thursday, 14th October 2020 for a period of 4 weeks.
Submission or observations should be made no later than 4.30 p.m. on Thursday, 26th November 2020.