Tarrant Denis, Knockballynoe, Kilfeacle, Co. Tipperary. January 17th. Reposing at Fogarty’s Funeral Home, Blind Street, Tipperary Wednesday from 6pm with removal at 7.30pm to St. Patrick’s Church, Kilfeacle. Requiem Mass on Thursday at 11.30am, followed by burial in the adjoining cemetery.
Mernagh (nee Moroney) Moria, 35 Sean Treacy Avenue, Thurles, Co. Tipperary. January 17th. Reposing in Kennedy’s Funeral Home, Dublin Road, Thurles on Tuesday evening from 5.30pm to 7pm, to arrive in the Cathedral of the Assumption at 7.45pm. Funeral Mass on Wednesday at 11am, followed by burial in St. Patrick’s Cemetery.
Harvey Patrick, (Paddy), Cooleen, Bridhill, Co. Tipperary and formerly of Roadstone. January 16th. Reposing at Meehan’s Funeral Home, Newport on Wednesday from 6pm to 7.30pm. Arrival at the Church of Our Lady of the Wayside Birdhill on Thursday for Requiem Mass at 11.30am., burial afterwards in the adjoining cemetery.
Conway Patrick, Herbertstown, Co. Limerick and Gdansk, Poland. January 13th. Funeral arrangements later.