HBO To Stream “First Dates” Film


HBO, a major provider of online film and TV content is to stream the Film “First Dates” to it’s European audiences.

The film was made in the Glen of Aherlow in 2021 and features scenes in Lisvernane and Emly villages. Aine Ni Riain from Upperchurch devised the script for the short film which is 12 minutes in duration. The film was produced by Peter Moles and Director Clara Planelles both based in Limerick.

The cast features Carrie Crowley, Johanna O’Brien, Aishling O’Sullivan and Daithí O’Donnell. The plot revolves around Tina, a recently widowed farmer who doesn’t want her daughter to move back to the city and leave her alone. When Séamus, her Dublin based beau arrives, on the farm talking about a date, Tina decides to intervene…

The film is also currently available to view on the RTE player at this link here.