New Survey Shows 92% Positive Experience Rate For People Hosting Ukrainians


A new survey reveals that there is a 92% positive experience for People Hosting Ukrainians: County Tipperary is hosting 978 displaced Ukrainians in accommodation provided or shared with hosts.

This represents 30% of the total number of Ukrainians who have arrived in the county since the invasion of Ukraine.

Nationally, 25% of all arrivals from Ukraine are currently living in host homes or pledged accommodation. 

A further 2, 260 Ukrainian refugees are accommodated in State provided accommodation centres in county Tipperary meaning that a total of 3,238 Ukrainians are accommodated in county Tipperary.

The research shows that 76% would recommend hosting.  The research was presented by Helping Irish Hosts and the Irish Red Cross to Oireachtas members at a briefing in Leinster House on Wednesday, 31 January. Link to Oireachtas briefing presentation and host research here:

It is estimated that the provision of accommodation by hosts delivers a €386 million annual savings to the taxpayer versus the cost of state provided accommodation 

Angie Gough, CEO and Co-Founder of Helping  Irish Hosts, says:
“The research reaffirms everything we’ve seen over the past 22 months. Hosting is having an incredible impact – for the hosts, their guests and also their communities. While it’s not the right option for everyone and it’s not a long-term solution, it does offer a key integration opportunity for people seeking refuge in this country.

The Consortium of organisations responsible for activating pledged accommodation is still receiving around 300 accommodation pledges a month.

The Helping Irish Hosts group presented recommendations to the Government and offered resources to support constituents and communities that are hosting. Key asks included extending the proposed 90-day policy for new arrivals to reduce the risk of harm to already vulnerable groups, and widening the Accommodation Recognition Payment (ARP) to include Programme Refugees who have been granted status in Ireland.