Market Yard Car Park To Close Ahead Of The Free Drawing A Crowd Event This Weekend


The Market Yard car park in Tipperary town is to be closed late on Friday night in advance of an event on Saturday May 18th. It is expected that the car park will be closed from late on Friday night until 6pm on Saturday – volunteers will be on hand on Saturday to redirect traffic to other parking locations.

The free event – Drawing a Crowd –  is a partnership with the Tipperary Creative Places, Tipperary Arts Office and Promenade. The aim is to support creativity and expression in a number of art forms with a particular focus on outdoor events for children. A special rig will be set up for the Aerial Acrobatics performance

The programme of events is listed below with Volcanic a local teenage band from Tipperary town one of the first to perform – all are participants in the Music Generation programme at St Ailbe’s school.  As May 18th is National Drawing Day the drawing event will run for the entire afternoon.  The organisers will provide headsets for the silent disco which will allow participants to select one of three music options for their dance time. Cloughjordan Circus Club are providing two of the activities – Lightfoot the elephant puppet operated by four puppeteers and the Victorian ladies walking about sharing the invention of the “camera”.