Community Notices (28th October 2023)


Clonoulty Tidy Towns are looking for a donation of churns in good condition. Contact: 087-6872511

Bruno Groning A path to a healthy body and soul through the teaching of Bruno Groening. Medically documented. Introduction evening, on in the Marian Hall, Tipperary Town beside St. Michael’s Church on Tuesday 7th November at 5pm. Admission is free. Local contact is Mary on 085-8418739.

The annual church gate collection for the upkeep of Galbally graveyard will be taken up at the 10.30 Mass on Sunday 5th November. A generous response will help ensure that the local cemetery is maintained in its usual pristine condition.

Menopause Awareness Month October 2023: Menopause Awareness evening, hosted by Nicola Ryan, Menopause Medical advisor and Pharmacist will take place in “The Carvery Restaurant”, Dunnes stores shopping centre, Tipperary Town on Thursday 26th October from 6.30pm to 7.30pm. Tickets €15.00 on sale in the Pure pharmacy 062-51596. Spaces limited. All proceeds going to Circle of Friends, Cancer support centre. Informal friendly talk about the awareness of perimenopause and menopause, symptoms and treatments.

New Inn Spookfest on Sunday 29th October “ZOMBIE ROAM” at Rockwell Rovers GAA at 3pm. Get ready to explore our spooktacular village display. Halloween Disco at New Inn Community Hall. Doors open 3.30pm – 5pm. Under 13’s Disco, Under 5’s mini disco. Story room and fancy dress prizes. Disco entry €5.00 per child or €10.00 per family.

Halloween Quiz in the Kickham house bar on Sunday 29th October starting at 9pm. The theme of the quiz is ” Harry Potter”. Raffle on the night plus a prize for the best Harry Potter costume.

Tipperary Town Music Festival 2024. Launch will take place in the Porter House in Tipperary Town on Thursday 2nd November at 8pm. Finger food and entertainment on the night. All are welcome.

West End Residents R.A AGM will take place on November 8th in the Community Centre, Tipperary Town. Members only please

Galbally National School Parents Association are hosting a Hallaween “Boo in the Boot” a child friendly twist on trick or treat and a more scary scare house for older ages. This is on Monday 30th October form 4pm to 6pm in the Galbally rugby club. There is a €5.00 entry fee per child for each event and for both events €8.00. All funds raised going towards the school.

Rambling House in Emly Parish Hall on Saturday 28th October at 8pm – 11.30pm. Great Music and song. All are welcome.

Self Help Africa are in need of donations of ladies and men’s clothes. Bric & Brac also appreciated. Shop hours are 10.30am to 2.30pm on Monday to Wednesday and 10.30am to 5.30pm on Thursday to Saturday.

Horticulture Course in Doon. Places are available in Doon Social Farm for those interested in learning how to grow organic vegetables and fruit. Its a full-time QQI Level 4 course in Organic Growing, which is funded by the LCETB and ideally to those on social welfare or in receipt of benefits. All ages and abilities welcome. Call Maura on 087-2474843 for more information.

Learn Meditation on Twin Hearts: Increase happiness, reduce stress, enhance focus and acheive calmness. Fourth Monday evening of every month. Time 7.30pm in Tipperary Community Services Centre, St. Michael Street, Tipperary. No fee. Contact Jennie on 086-8682251.

Cappwhite Bingo are celebrating their anniversary on this Friday night October 27th. They have extra money on every page plus a bonus of €500 on the Jackpot. House must be won on the night

Bingo Notices: Monday  Hospital Co. Limerick (Community Hall) at 8pm. Tuesday – Cahir (Community Hall) at 8pm and Oola (Community Hall) at 8pm. Thursday – Golden in the (GAA Hall) at 8pm and Cappamore at 8pm. Friday -Cappawhite (Community Hall) at 8pm. Saturday – Cashel (Halla Na feile) at 8pm. Sunday – Tipperary Town (Marion Hall) at 8pm.

Whist is back at the Community Centre Tipperary on Wednesday 13th of September at 7.30pm. All are very welcome to join

Cash for Clobber fundraiser: Collection point Donaskeigh National School. Acceptable items: Clean, good quality clothes, paired shoes, handbags/belts, bedding/curtains. No toys, duvets, pillows or soiled items. Collection dates: Friday 27th October 2pm to 4pm, Saturday 28th October 11am to 1pm, Sunday 29th October 11am to 12pm.

Baby and toddler group will start up in Monard Community Hall on Monday 11th September and will run every Monday from that date from 9.30am to 11.30am. Any money made is put back into the community hall. Contact Bernie 062 8968558 or Catriona : 086 3667624 for more details.

Three Drives Family Resource Centre, Tipperary are running the following classes. Ukulele (BEG), Starting Monday 11th of September and finishing on the 22nd of November from 9.30am – 11am. Tutor is Barry Quinn. Ukulele (CONTD), Starting Tuesday 12th of September and finishing on the 23nd of November from 9.30am. Tutor is Barry Quinn. Pilates (ONGOING) 12th September to the 31st of October from 10.30am to 11.30am. Instructor is Breda Aherne. Cookery (ONGOING) Starting on the 20th of September to the 6th of December from 9.30am to 12 noon. Instructor is Cathy Gallagher.

Progressive 45 will return to the McGrath Centre in Bansha from Monday September 11th at 8.30pm. All are welcome.