Tipperary County Council is extending the closing date for the Community Involvement Road Scheme to 4.30pm on August 4th. Council engineers describe the scheme as “valuable” in terms of drawing down funding for road repairs on public roads that the council is not in a position to carry out regular maintenance work. Generally, the roads in question will be low traffic volume, minor roads and cul-de-sac roads. The Community Involvement Scheme(CIS) is based on community contributions from property owners adjacent to the road in question and is currently set at 10%. The CIS Grant is subject to Department of Transport funding and the Council is anxious to maximise it’s drawdown of funds.
Councillors asked for an extension from the August 1st deadline at this week’s Municipal District meeting on the basis that community members may be away on holidays at this time. Councillors also were irate that the terms of the 2024 – 2025 Scheme require previously unsuccessful applicants to apply again with the necessary maps, consents and funding of 10% of the estimated cost of the works.
Further details and application forms are available from the Council’s Roads Section in the Nenagh office or via the Council website at this link here.