Free Disposal Of Unused Medicine Initiative Offered In Clonmel Next Week


The public is being encouraged to properly dispose of unused Medicines. To assist this the South East Community Health Care office of the HSE is offering 4 special days when unused medicines can be surrendered. The free service to dispose of unused medication over the next few weeks will be available at locations in counties Tipperary, Carlow, Kilkenny, and Wexford.

The HSE says out of date or unused medicines can pose a real hazard in the home, particularly to children or other vulnerable people.

The service in Clonmel will be available on July 14th and 28th and again on  August 11th and 25th.  The location is at the Vaccination Centre, St Luke’s Hospital, Western Road Clonmel, E91 PR83. The service will be available between 10am and 3pm on each of the four days.