Met Eireann Forecasting Over 20 Degrees In West Tipp Next Week


Met Eireann is forecasting another week of warm weather with bright sunshine and day time temperatures over 20 degrees most days for West Tipperary. 

Home Instead is warning of the need to take special care of older people who may be at risk of heat related illness, especially if they live alone, have medical conditions, or take certain medications.

The care provider says family, neighbours or friends should check on an older person twice a day during extreme heat, especially if the person lives alone. An in person visit is best to be able to make sure they are drinking enough water and assess any changes to their physical condition.

Support during a power outage is also important especially as regards having a phone that will work during a power failure and a safety alarm pendant that will work if the power is off.

Any person suffering from heat stress needs to be cooled down immediately by using cool baths or showers, or placing cool, wet towels on their neck and underarms or seeking medical attention if necessary.

People caring for others are advised to look after themselves in extreme heat to avoid putting their own health at risk.

Other tips include

Putting feet in a bowl of cool water

Making ice cubes from water or cordial and sucking them to keep cool

Putting a bowl of ice cubes in front of a fan to create a cool breeze

Wear light coloured, loose fitting clothing.

Apply Sunscreen when outside.

A wide-brimmed hat that shades the face and covers the head is advisable if going outdoors in the heat.

Sunglasses should always be worn outside – they must be taken off before going inside to prevent an accident.

Older people may not always be able to tell when they are thirsty so encourage them to drink water regularly, unless their doctor has advised them to limit the amount of fluid they drink.

Encourage them to eat smaller meals more often during hot weather.

Care is also advised for those taking prescription medicines – some medicines can make an older person more prone to sunburn and heat stress, so extra care should be taken to watch for signs that they are becoming affected by the heat. A GP should be consulted if necessary.