Tánaiste Confirms Pubs To Open Indoors In July At Virtual Conference With Sector


The Tanaiste and Minster for Employment has addressed a virtual conference of 1200 publicans.

He assured the sector that the wage subsidy scheme and the Covid Restrictions Support Scheme will remain in place for pubs until they can as he put it open fully and open properly.  He said the Government will force local authorities to allow pubs with no indoor space to expand onto pavements.

Mr Varadkar said he was “very much” encouraging city councils and county councils to use the outdoor space. He said it is a good opportunity to reimagine our streets and allow them to be used for the public to enjoy outdoor dining and drinking, and not so much for cars.

Mr Varadkar confirmed that outdoor drinking will return on June 7th, adding that indoor drinking and dining will return in July. “What we’ve done in the revised plan is, we’ve ended the distinction between wet pubs and gastropubs, let’s never hear the term wet pub again, that’s gone and outdoor drinking and dining won’t be limited to 15, there’ll be no requirement of a substantial meal either.”

Mr Varadkar said pubs will be limited to table service with no drinking at the bar. While pubs will not be limited to 15 people, he said operating at full capacity is unlikely.