Co Tipp Community Groups Urged To Attend PPN Meeting


Community Groups across County Tipperary are urged to register to attend the next Tipperary PPN Meeting.

The Public Participation Network is to hold a plenary meeting on Thursday May 5th in Thurles.

The evening event is scheduled from 6.30pm to 9pm at the Order of Malta building in Borroway

The meeting is to consider the 2022 work plan, will provide opportunities for networking will also include 3 presentations.

The presentations will include an update on the County Ukraine Community Response Forum, the new Social Prescribing Project in the county and the main guest speaker is Ruairi McKiernan – on the theme of  community empowerment.

Spaces should be booked on Eventbrite and the event is free. The Tipperary PPN co-ordinator can be contacted on 087 4567 111