There’s no holiday from Covid– a “Stay Safe” message from the HSE, Gardai and Local Authorities in the South East
This May Bank Holiday weekend, people across the South East are being urged to protect the progress made in reducing incidence of Covid-19.
The HSE has joined with the Gardai and the Local Authorities in Carlow, Kilkenny, Tipperary, Waterford, and Wexford in thanking the general public for their efforts to date but also in reminding everyone that individual actions do matter – including adherence to all of the current public health measures to protect against Covid-19.
People across the South East are being encouraged to:
- Practice the “basics”, to prevent the spread of infection
- While the numbers of people vaccinated are increasing, remember that many people are still vulnerable to severe infection.
- It is also vital that people isolate themselves at home and contact their GP immediately if they have any symptoms of Covid-19. A test is free and can be arranged very quickly.
Whereas restrictions are subject to change from 10th of May next, the HSE, the Gardai, and the Local Authorities in Carlow, Kilkenny, Tipperary, Waterford and Wexford are urging people not to let their guard down this May Bank Holiday weekend and to remember “the basics”:
- Keep your contacts with other people at a minimum and keep them outdoors.
- Wear a mask.
- Keep your distance.
- Wash your hands.
For updated and factual Public Health information and advice on COVID-19 Coronavirus, please visit or call 1800 700 700
For the latest information on the Covid-19 Vaccine Programme, please visit