HSE Plan Could Mean Loss Of 10 Doctors At South Tipperary General Hospital


Concerns have been expressed that South Tipperary General Hospital, Clonmel could lose 10 of its 19 intern doctors. Dr. Cormac Duff, a doctor at the Rotunda Hospital, has drawn attention to the impact of the HSE decision to not offer positions to all of the Graduating Class of 2021, as was done in 2020.

‘approximately 300 hospital doctor intern places are due to be cut’

Cashel-based TD, Deputy Martin Browne, has also expressed his concerns about the HSE plan. Deputy Browne said that “it emerged last week that approximately 300 hospital doctor intern places are due to be cut, returning the number of places at our hospital to pre-pandemic levels”. Browne also noted that this would meal less cover for doctors who are unable to work, as well as longer waiting times and lists in a hospital system that is already under huge pressure: “It would also show an incredible lapse in the HSE’s contingency planning for any potential outbreaks of move Covid variants, and would result in more highly-trained doctors having to go abroad to seek employment at a time when their skills are needed here”.

The Government will only offer 734 intern position across the country, staring in July 2021. This is a decrease of 366 interns from a total of 1,100 in 2020. The decision is estimated to save the health service €9 million.