“Portrait of Roscrea” unique photograph event taking place in Roscrea Sat 6th June.


People from or with connections in Roscrea are being asked to come back to the Co Tipperary town tomorrow to be included in a unique photograph or “Portrait of Roscrea”

The event is taking place in the courtyard of the town’s 800 year-old castle tomorrow Sat morning.

According to one of the people organising the event, James Williams, it is a positive, celebratory event that is taking place during times when it is easy to dwell on the negative.

he added that it will serve as the ideal op[portunity to show how strong the sense of community is in Roscrea. 

The unique photo opportunity takes place at 11am.

Organisers say club colours and such are very welcome, but not to bring flags or posters, as it is an event to showcase the people of Roscrea, not particular issues.