LIT Tipperary hosts Games Fleadh


LIT Tipperary is hosting the annual Games Fleadh – Digital Games Festival on its Thurles campus from March 14th to 15th.

The two day convention gives students an opportunity to showcase their abilities and programming skills and is part funded by LIT-Tipperary’s Centre for entertainment and Game Technology Research.  Festival sponsors include Microsoft, Activision, Engineers Ireland and many of the key games companies that are based in Ireland.   Most importantly,  Games Fleadh allows students to connect with industry by demonstrating their talents.

It is estimated that the gaming industry worldwide is values at $73billion with Irish developed technology being used in some of the worlds most successful titles.. The IDA estimates that roughly 2,000 people are employed in the sector here and it’s a growth area.

Coderdojo Thurles will also launch at the festival.  Coderdojo is a worldwide movement of free coding clubs for young people

Each year, the Fleadh adopts a theme of a classic computer  that developers build their games around.  This year it’s “Chopper Command” – a computer game released 30 years ago. The computer gaming industry is a lot older than you may think!

For more info visit or follow them on Twitter @gamesfleadh

Click here for more info on Coderdojo Thurles