Tipperary Education & Training Board To Receive €435,000 In Funding This Year


Tipperary Education and Training Board(TETB) is to receive €435,000 this year as part of a wider allocation of €8 million funding for the 16 Education and Training Boards (ETBs) to support the further education and training sector.

This funding may be used by ETBs to plan and deliver, essential small-scale works to improve the FET infrastructure, provide for essential new or upgrades to equipment needs and implement energy efficiency and decarbonisation-related investment

Feedback from ETBs has shown that the availability of this devolved funding programme, allows for efficient and effective delivery of essential smaller projects.

Minister Simon Harris says the funding will be in place at the same level for the next two years enabling ETBs to plan ahead. SOLAS will distribute the Devolved Capital Allocation to the individual ETBs.

Tipperary Education and Training Board (ETB) is one of 16 ETBs established under the Education and Training Boards Act 2013 replacing the former Vocational Educational Committees in North and South Tipperary.

The remit of Tipperary Education and Training Board, as the statutory provider of education for the County is the provision of a comprehensive range of quality education programmes to meet the needs of the community we serve. These include Second Level/Post Primary Education(10 schools), Post Leaving Certificate Programmes,  Further Education and Training Services. In addition, Tipperary ETB plays a significant role in the Strategic Development of the County through a variety of inter-agency programmes.