Seven Submissions Made On Tipp Town Courthouse & Bridewell Complex


A total of 7 submissions were made before yesterday’s closing date on plans to use the Tipperary Town Courthouse and Bridewell Complex as a location for Day services for people with disabilities.

The courthouse has not been used for sittings of Tipperary District court since 2010 due to the deteriorating condition of the building.

Planning officials at Tipperary County council will now assess the submissions and prepare a report for next Monday’s meeting of the Tipperary Cahir Cashel Municipal District.

If planning for the change of use and modifications is granted the project is to be submitted with the Dan Breen House proposal for Rural Regeneration Development Funding(RRDF) to deliver the projects.

The plans for Dan Breen House include refurbishment to provide a Further Education training centre, a space for Tipperary Youth Service and potentially space for members of the creative community.

The submissions on the courthouse complex include two from state agencies Irish Water and the Department of Heritage(approving the works) and three from community groups such as Tipperary Tidy Towns Group and the Tipperary Task Force – also supportive of the project.

The absence of a venue for District Court sittings in Tipperary town at present was raised in two other submissions including one from the daughter of the last caretaker to live in the Caretakers house at the complex. Full details of the submissions can be viewed at this link here.