Ind Cllr Calls For Changes In Management Of International Protection Applicants


Independent Tipperary Cllr Seamus Morris is calling for a number of changes in the management of International Protection Applicants(IPAs).

The call comes after the now abandoned plans to house 74 applicants for International Protection in Cashel in a hostel that Tipperary County Council was using for emergency accommodation for homeless people.

The Councillor is submitting a motion for the next Council meeting that asks the International Protection Office and Minster to cease the movement of IPAS “asylum seekers” into town and villages without first contacting local councils to establish the suitability of the proposed accommodation.

The motion also asks that contact with the Council should happen when the building is offered and the local Council should be part of the decision making process.

Cllr Morris is also proposing that all IPAS applicants should be fully vetted, secure Garda Clearance and should have successfully made it through the asylum process before they are moved around the country into more permanent accommodation.

The motion will be considered at the December meeting as the November meeting on Friday 24th is dedicated to deliberations on  the budget for 2024.