“Taking In Charge” Of Kilross Estate Looks To Be Reaching Conclusion


The “Taking in Charge” of the Rocksprings Housing Estate in Kilross looks to be reaching a conclusion – albeit the final decision must be approved by a plenary meeting of Tipperary County Council.  

The developer, Terence Coskeran, who lives on the estate of 5 houses submitted the Taking in Charge application in 2016.  Since then Tipperary County Council have not progressed the application as Uisce Eireann had not resolved issues relating to the waste water treatment system in the estate. The matter was brought to the Oireachtas Petitions Committee last year in a bid to resolve the outstanding issues arising from an agreement made between Uisce Eireann and the Department of Housing, Heritage and Local Government in 2015 that put estates with Developer Provided Infrastructure Commonly, called DPI, outside the remit of Uisce Eireann operations until some future date.

The Council has inspected the estate and the roads section is satisfied to take the estate in charge meaning the council will assume responsibility for the upkeep and maintenance of public services and infrastructure located within the common and public areas such as roads, lighting and water services.

The decision must be approved at a Plenary meeting of the Council – the public can make submissions on the proposed Taking in Charge process up to November 27th meaning the issue may not be before a Plenary meeting until December or January 2024 at the earliest.