National Fuel Allowance Scheme Payments Start This Week For The 2023/24 Season


Payments start this week as part of the National Fuel Allowance Scheme for the 2023/24 Season. The Allowance is a means-assessed payment, will be paid for 28 weeks to some 404,000 households across the State. The payment is made at the weekly rate of €33 or if preferred, by way of two instalment payments of €462 each.

The scheme is being expanded for those aged over 70 years.   Payments can not be backdated and those wishing to apply can do so by using, or submitting a form available at the Post Office or Citizens Information. Telephone 0818 200 400 for further information. 

Under the new Means Test for Over 70s, a single person Over 70 can have income of €500 per week while a couple can have income of €1,000 per week. In addition, the amount of savings disregarded in the Over 70s Mean Test has been increased from €20,000 to €50,000. In the case of a couple where one person is under 70 and one person is over 70, they will be assessed using  the Over 70s Means Test criteria.

The weekly means threshold for those aged under 70 has also been increased by €80 per week, from €120 to €200 above the weekly rate of State Pension Contributory .A person can qualify for Fuel Allowance if you are aged 70 or over, or getting certain long-term social welfare payments. Only one Fuel Allowance is payable per household.  

The Disablement Benefit and Half-Rate Carers Allowance payments have been disregarded when assessing means for Fuel Allowance purposes.