Investigation Underway Into Anti-Social Behaviour In Clonmel


Gardaí in Clonmel are investigating complaints of anti-social behaviour on the Blueway.

The complaints were submitted to Garda in the form of a petition from members of a local club and says that users of the amenity feel unsafe and afraid.

There have been complaints of intimidation and verbal abuse.

Local Cllr Michael Murphy revealed that he was threatened and verbally abused by a gang of youths after he intervened when two young teenagers were intimidated while out cycling.

The incident occurred on a stretch between Mulcahy Park and Kilsheelan.

There are also reports of a group of five males intimidating a runner on the public facility last month.

Garda have also been contacted about area in the vicinity of Mulcahy park becoming a spot for people to gather to drink alcohol.

The Clonmel Borough meeting heard calls for extra Garda Bike patrols on the Blueway to deter anti – social behaviour.    District Administrator Carol Creighton has met with Gardaí following a spate of incidents recently to discuss appropriate actions to address the situation.

The Suir Blueway was opened in 2019 at a cost of just under €6 million.

The route is made up of a walking/ cycling trail for 21km which runs from Carrick-on-Suir to Clonmel and a further 32km of waterway along the River Suir.