Arrangements To Be Made For Emergency Services Ahead Of Escalated Industrial Action By Forsa Members


Tipperary County Council is making arrangements for the management of services including emergency services due to the planned escalation of Industrial Action by Forsa Members next week. Industrial Action since September 11th has taken the form of  refusing to respond to queries verbal or written  from Elected public representatives

The action is to escalate from September 22nd to also include a 24 hour email ban commencing 12.01am on 22nd September to  includes all emails, internal and external

This is to be followed by a 48 hour telephone ban commencing 12.01am 26th September. This will include the use of work landline and mobile phones, work telephone calls via online platforms such as MS teams and work calls via social media platforms such as WhatsApp phone/video and the usage of personal mobile phones for work issues.

The Union are seeking the delivery of job evaluation scheme to ensure members are paid at an appropriate grade for the work they undertake.

The council is informing Councillors and TDs  that the escalation will result slower response times and a reduction in the service provided to both Councillors, Oireachtas Members and members of the public during this period. Council management are also advising councillors that non Forsa staff are required to undertake their duties as normal however some staff may be in a difficult situation in refusing to address queries directly while the industrial action is ongoing.