Obituaries For Monday 18th of September


KENNEDY, Thomas, Knockfune, Newport, Tipperary / Rearcross, Tipperary.  15th September 2023. Reposing at Meehan’s Funeral Home Newport on Tuesday 19th September from 6 to 7.30 p.m.  Arriving on Wednesday 20th to the Sacred Heart Church Killoscully for Requiem Mass at 11.30. Burial afterwards in the adjoining cemetery.

DOYLE, Sr. Theophane, Presentation Convent, Thurles, Tipperary / Killenaule, Tipperary. 17th September 2023. Reposing in the Presentation Convent Chapel, Thurles on Tuesday 19th from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.  Funeral Mass on Wednesday 20th in the Cathedral of the Assumption at 11 a.m. followed by burial in St. Patrick’s cemetery. 

O’DWYER, Willie, The Steeple, Littleton, Thurles, Tipperary. 16th September 2023. Reposing in Hugh Ryan’s Funeral Home on Tuesday19th September, from 5pm to 7pm. Arriving at Our Lady & St. Kevin’s Church on Wednesday 20th September at 12:30pm. for Requiem Mass at 1 p.m. Burial afterwards in adjoining cemetery.

SPRATT, Jimmy, Derryvilla, Glengoole, Thurles, Tipperary, E41 T3C7 / Bundoran, Donegal. 16th September 2023. Reposing at his home, Derryvilla, Glengoole, E41 T3C7, on Tuesday 19th September from 5pm to 8pm. Arriving at St James Church, Two Mile Borris on Wednesday, 20th of September, at 10.30am for Requiem Mass at 11am. Burial afterwards in Two Mile Borris cemetery.

AHERN (née Cagney), Christina (Chrissie), 6, Roches Heights, Mitchelstown, Cork / Burncourt, Tipperary. 15th September 2023. Reposing at The Chapel of Rest, Baldwin Street, Mitchelstown (P67 DX81) on Monday evening (18th September) from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Reception into the Church of Mary Conceived Without Sin, Mitchelstown on Tuesday (19th September) for Requiem Mass at 12 noon. Burial afterwards in Brigown Old Cemetery.

HEWITT, Tom, Bawnmore, Cashel, Tipperary. September 16th 2023. Reposing at Devitt’s Funeral Home this Monday evening from 5.30pm to 7.30pm.  Requiem Mass on Tuesday in the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Boherlahan at 11.30am. Followed by Burial in Ardmayle Cemetery.

RYAN (Jerry), Anne Marie, Daughters of Charity, Lisnagry, Limerick / Upperchurch, Tipperary. 16th September 2023. Reposing at O’Dwyer’s Funeral Home, Upperchurch on Monday evening from 5.30pm with removal at 8pm to the Sacred Heart Church, Upperchurch. Funeral Mass on Tuesday morning at 11.30am followed by burial in the local cemetery.