Final Approval On The Options Report For Roundabout In Cahir Expected In The Coming Week


Following on from continued pressure from local councillor Andy Moloney in respect of safety at the Super Valu junction in Cahir it has emerged that final approval by the National Transport Authority on the Options Report for a roundabout at Supervalu Cahir is expected in the coming week.

Following this approval Tipperary county council will proceed to the planning phase of the project.

Consultants need to finalise the design and prepare the full pack of reports (including environmental screenings and drawings) for the Part 8 Planning Application. The Drawings will first be presented to Councillors in the Tipperary Cahir Cashel MD before being made public.

Cllr Moloney has called for improvements to this junction for a number of years and has renewed a call for Barrack Street to be made a 3 tonne limit to coincide with the traffic system changes. The councillor says the plaster on buildings, especially homes close to the road are being damaged by the heavy traffic despite improvements to the road surface.