The current staffing levels in the Children’s Disability Network teams are totally inadequate according to Tipperary FUSS co-ordinator Edwina McElhinney.
Ms McElhinney says details supplied to Tipperary TD Mattie McGrath show a high level of vacancy in approved positions. In summary there are a total of 4 full time personnel and 2 agency personnel to provide services to 609 children and an unknown number of children waiting on a first assessment.
Teams in Clonmel and Cashel provide services to all of south Tipperary.
The HSE says every effort is being made to recruit staff – the Children’s Disability Network Manager for the team based in Clonmel resigned in February 2023 and despite two competitions no new person has been appointed. The post is to be re-advertised in July or August. The manager’s position in Cashel is currently vacant due to maternity leave. There has been a temporary appointment to manage both networks until such a time as the vacant posts are filled and a Grade VII administrative staff person has been allocated to both teams to help manage the workload.
There are currently 2 senior Speech and Language Therapists and one Senior Occupational Therapist on the team – one is on maternity leave and due to return towards the end of summer. Two nurses(at a senior grade) support the teams. A senior social worker has also accepted the post in Clonmel and will commence in post once all required reference checks etc. are complete.
In terms of psychology, both permanent HSE psychologists have recently vacated their posts and taken up posts within primary care. The HSE is hoping to use the services of a senior psychologist working through an agency to complete assessments of children’s needs and following up on priority cases on a part time basis.