Midwest Hospital Campaigners To Meet HSE CEO


A delegation from the Midwest Hospital Campaign including a representative of the Nenagh Needs Its A&E Campaign, will this morning meet with the CEO of the HSE Mr Bernard Gloster.

 The meeting is to discuss the permanent crisis in the delivery of many aspects of public healthcare in North Tipperary, Clare and Limerick. 

Conor Reidy from the Nenagh needs it’s A&E Campaign says that “The fourteen year Emergency Department crisis at University Hospital Limerick and the failed reconfiguration of local hospitals in 2009 will be the top agenda item.”

The group supported a protest in Limerick in January following the collapse in services at UHL and Shannon Doc, the out of ours GP Service in the region over the Christmas period last year.

Data released by the Irish Nurses and Mid Wife’s Organisation reveal that UHL is consistently the most overcrowded hospital in Ireland.

Additional beds are in the pipeline for the hospital as well as an expansion of hours at Injury Units and Medical Assessment units in the area to deal with the shortage in capacity.