Local Hospitals Facing Overcrowding, More Predicted For Bank Holiday Weekend


Overcrowding at local hospitals continues at high levels today. Twenty-one patients are reported to be receiving care on trolleys in TUH Clonmel today.  University Hospital Limerick reports a total of 81 patients experiencing delayed admission. In Limerick 31 patients are on trolleys in the Emergency Department Area while 50 other patients that doctors deemed needed to be admitted are now accommodated by placing their trolley in some ward or corridor of a ward across the hospital. 

Nationally a total of 432 admitted patients are waiting for beds today according to today’s INMO Trolley Watch Report.

Earlier today it emerged that the HSE CEO Bernard Gloster has asked staff to volunteer to take on extra shifts over the June Bank Holiday Weekend. The bank holiday falls on Monday June 5th

It is understood that Mr Gloster made the request in a bid to avoid what he called the ‘dreadful position’ hospitals were left in following recent long weekends. Over 700 patients were on trolleys in the aftermath of the May Bank Holiday weekend. The presence of Senior Decision Makers in hospitals is considered to be critical in the delivery of care and optimising the use of available bed capacity.