Tipp Engine Digital Hub To Host New Business


The Tipperary Engine Digital hub is to host a new business initially employing 15 people, increasing to 25 soon afterwards and reaching 40 employees within 12 months. Eoin Barrett, the manager at the Tipperary Technology Park on Rosanna road says the new client will be taking over 4,050 square ft. of space in the building which has an 85% occupancy at present.

The identity of the new business will be revealed when the business makes it’s own public announcement expected in the coming weeks. The company provides specialist services and may have to recruit outside the local labour pool.

The facility recently received funding from the Regional Enterprise Development Fund to upgrade the offering to business tenants.

As six “hot desks” are provided in addition to small single person units the expansion of remote working is expected to be a major benefit to the facility and by extension the local economy.

Spaces at the workspace can be booked on a daily, weekly or monthly basis.

Mr Barret is the manager and there are two employees working on a job share basis to provide admin and reception services and one other full time employee responsible for maintenance at the workspace.

Full details of the facilities and options to book space can be found on the business website at www.tipperaryengine.ie or by visiting the ConnectedHubs.ie website.

The Tipperary Engine is linked to the national network of digital hubs of which there are 320 of varying size across the country.