Two Wards In TUH Under Visiting Restrictions Amid Covid Outbreak


Visiting restrictions have been put in place at Tipperary University Hospital Clonmel due to an outbreak of COVID 19 at the hospital. Two medical wards are currently affected.

All Visiting to Medical 2A & Medical 2B is suspended from today Wednesday 3rd May 2023 until further notice.

Some exceptions to the visiting restrictions will be facilitated according to hospital management. These are in cases of End of Life of Patients and situations where the patient is critically ill. In both cases visiting arrangements can be made with the Clinical Nurse Manager on duty.

Hospital Management at TUH Clonmel says it regrets the distress or inconvenience such restrictions causes for patients and their loved ones.

The measures are deemed necessary at present given the increased circulation of Covid 19 within the hospital and management says it will keep the situation under daily review.