Future Of Clonmel Water Supply Discussed In Seanad


Concerns about extra costs for business operators in Clonmel were expressed in the Seanad today by Senator Garret Ahearn.

The Senator’s concerns relate to plans for Uisce Eireann to modify the source of water for the town for a period of the next 10 years. Minister Kieran O’Donnell committed to ask Uisce Eireann (Irish Water) to facilitate a meeting with Senator Ahearn and Clonmel Councillors John Fitzgerald and Michael Murphy.

Senator Ahearn wants the town to be supplied by the Poulavanogue supply as the water quality is better than the proposed source from the Monroe supply which he states was meant as a temporary measure in the 1990s.

Irish Water is of the view that it is cost prohibitive for now to take remedial action on the Poulavanogue supply in respect of issues involving turbidity and cryptosporidium.  Senator Ahearn is of the view that domestic residences could manage with the supply from Monroe by using filters in their homes but businesses will possibly face on going damage to equipment such as coffee machines and heating systems due to the quality of the Monroe source.