Cahir Students Qualify For National Enterprise Final


Two Tipperary student business projects have qualified to take part in the National Student Enterprise Finals to be held at the Helix in Dublin today.

The two successful projects are   “Wonderful Woodworkers” & “How Music Changed My Life” from  Colaiste Dun Iascaigh in Cahir and  CBS High School Clonmel respectively.

In the Junior Category, Cahir based students representing Tipperary at the National Final include Sebastin Stockil, James Batemanand Jack McGoniglewith their company Wonderful Wood Workers from Colaiste Dun Iascaigh. 

They were suppoed by their teachersMs Harrahill and Mr. Cunningham.  

The Intermediate Category sees Peadar Bradshaw with his business, Lives Transformed from CBS High School Clonmel go forward to represent Tipperary.

Peadar is supported by teachersMs. DwaneandMs. O’Reilly. 

An estimated 1,368 students from twenty one secondary schools across Tipperary took part in the annual Student Enterprise Awards County Final this year. 

The Programme runs from September to May, and students get to do everything a real life entrepreneur would do from coming up with the business idea to marketing, sales and preparing a business plan.